Once you have finished the copying, go ahead and unpause the game download in the Steam Client. IF NOT it will be in /Steam/steamapps/YOURUSERNAME - OR if you skipped steps 1-5 you will not see any game files…įind the /GAMENAME folder and copy the whole /GAMENAME folder from Windows to Linux - OVERWRITING EVERYTHING that may have already been downloaded to your Linux folder… Now on your Linux installation open the /steamapps/common Folder - you should see your game folder there…. Open the /Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common folder on your Windows partition or wherever you have your game files backed up. If you skipped steps 1-5 you will not see any game files… This is why we started the download: to preload the folders and config / download files. You should should see your game GCF and/or NCF files there. WINETRICKS INSTALLED STEAM: /home/username/.local/share/wineprefixes/steam/drive_c/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/ WINE ONLY: /home/username/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Steam/steamapps folder in your. Select the game you want to install on Linux You might be able to use this trick: (as stated in the link: you need to change the directories to your Windows directory): You can however copy over your configuration files and use those. No, the game files are not identical so you need to re-install the games.